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  • Writer's pictureMrs Canning

Book Spree

Book Spree

We were so lucky to win a book spree from the Siobhan Dowd Trust charity! We had a budget of £400 to spend on new books for our classrooms. We split this money between each year group in Key Stage 2 so each year had £100 to spend. The only rule was that the children had to do the choosing!   Year 3:  Year Three had great fun this afternoon. A group of us were given the very important job of choosing some new books for our classroom bookshelves. We worked together to look at the list of books that we could choose from and thought about the type of books that we enjoy reading and the books that we felt we needed most in our classes. We chose a list of books and calculated how much we had spent. Luckily we had stayed within budget so we did not have to cross any books off our list. We were delighted that we could keep all of the books we had chosen. Thank you to the Siobhan Dowd Trust for your generosity in funding these books and we are really looking forward to their arrival. 

Year 4:   Year 4 have had so much fun this week! We felt privileged to be given the opportunity to choose our very own books for our class bookshelves. As we knew this was a very important job, we took lots of time to discuss what types of books we like to read in year 4 and what we felt our bookshelves were lacking. We made sure that our choices were varied in order to cater for our whole year band. The tricky part was trying to stay within our £100 budget, as there were just SO many books we liked the look of! Our poor calculators have never worked so hard! Eventually, we came up with a list of books that we were all excited about. Year 4 would like to say a humongous THANK YOU to the Siobhan Dowd Trust for funding our book spree and for giving us this opportunity. We can’t wait for our books to arrive!  Year 5:  Today was the best day ever! A team of Year 5 children were selected from different setting groups and got together to make some tough decisions. We looked through lists from Peters bookshop and we used the Reader Teacher website for inspiration too. Working in pairs, we selected the books we liked and then rotated the lists so we all had a chance to look at them. We then put together a list of the most popular and we had spent over £186! We had to then vote to reduce this list so we weren’t spending over our budget. When we were picking books, we thought carefully about representing the whole year band. We had to think about what books others would enjoy and we tried to pick across a range of genres. We had lots of discussion and debate and finally agreed on 21 books.  We CANNOT wait to receive our books and would like to say a big thank you to the Siobhan Dowd Trust for giving us this fantastic opportunity!

Year 6: 

We have just completed the best job ever, choosing new books for our year group! We felt very lucky to be able to do this and we are very grateful to the Siobhan Dowd Trust for allowing us to have this much fun!  Our approach was well considered! Our small group firstly discussed what books we enjoy then what books we feel we lack in our classrooms. We thought about others as well as ourselves.  We calculated costs as we went along and feel really happy that we have spent our money wisely.  Thank you again – we really do appreciate it and we can’t wait for our books to arrive! 

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